Court refused to reinstate in job Tatsyana Sevyarynets

Today Tatsyana Rodzina, judge of Pershamajski district court, read the decree of the court. The court dismissed the claim of the activist of “For Freedom!” movement Tatsyana Sevyarynets to the education department of Pershamajski district of Vitsebsk.

Tatsyana Sevyarynets is set to file a cassation appeal and a new action to the higher court.

Tatsyana Sevyarynets wants to be reinstated in the court. She was dismissed from a secondary school No.40. The alleged reason was absence from work. During spring vacations Tatsyana Sevyarynets took part in a seminar for teachers “Children in the system of education” organized by the Warsaw Center of School Work. Before going abroad the woman had written an application and asked to grant her a leave for family reasons at her own expense. The schoolmaster signed the application, however, according to rules, the chairman of the district education department Uladzimir Shloma had to approve it. On her return she found out that the head of the education department of Pershamajski district had cancelled his decision, and the 6 days were considered an absence without leave.